Galerie vyvinutých receptů velkoobjemové výroby
Absolutně perfektní v odborné znalosti problematiky potravinářského průmyslu,
svědomitá a loajální se schopností práce ve stresu.
svědomitá a loajální se schopností práce ve stresu.
I have had the pleasure of working directly with Ms. Otavová in recent years, and can say with certainty that she was motivated and responsible person with a high degree of integrity.
Ms. Otavova takes the initiative, identify problems and devise solutions. Her role requires strong communication skills, and it is shown that not only has this capability, but also has the ability to inspire respect and cooperation of the team. She is shown that a very intelligent person with a mind that is appropriate in the world of product development and business.
Ms. Otavova takes the initiative, identify problems and devise solutions. Her role requires strong communication skills, and it is shown that not only has this capability, but also has the ability to inspire respect and cooperation of the team. She is shown that a very intelligent person with a mind that is appropriate in the world of product development and business.
I have been working with Zlatka three years and we all appreciated her company, expertise and all the energy which she put into the work. I was working with her on some key projects for frozen cakes. She is a very creative person with a clear focus on meeting targets. Product development in the confectionary business is one of her strength.